To register your authorship, you have to accomplish three simple registration steps below!
- Author registration and abstract submission. Please do the following steps:
- Click “Author Registration” button below, you will be redirected to a registration form page. Please fulfill the required information and upload your abstract file on the last page. You will receive confirmation email after completing this step.
- Please wait for abstract review and check your email inbox frequently. The acceptance or rejection letter will be sent to the registered email. Invoice will be sent along with acceptance letter. Take a notice on abstract code (ABS-XX) on acceptance letter (LoA) for Co-Author registration and full paper submission.
- Attending Co-Author Registration. Do this step after receiving the LoA!, Please do the following steps:
- Click “Attending Co-Author Registration” button to register co-Author who will attend the conference. Input the abstract code (ABS-XX) and other credentials. You will receive confirmation email after completing this step.
- An invoice will be sent to registered co-author’s email following the confirmation email.
- Fullpaper submission. Do this step by author after receiving the LOA!, Please do the following step:
- Click “Fullpaper Submission” button. Input the abstract code (ABS-XX) then upload your fullpaper file.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
Information about Abstract Submission
We are sorry!
The author registration is closed. Thank you for your eagerness!
Attending Co-Author Registration
Fullpaper Submission
This section is reserved only for participants that did not submit any article. If you are co-author, please hit yellow button above.
This section is dedicated to provide information of authors, co authors and participants succeed in registration. Below, interactive map of registered authors and list of participants are laid.
After receiving the LoA for author and make a registration for attending co-author and participants, they will receive invoice to be paid.
- Click “Check Invoice” button, input your registered email before and the invoice will be appears. It has meaning that you are already to make payment.
- Please make a payment on selected banks, it is similar to tuition fee method. Please say “Pembayaran SPP ke Universitas Jenderal Soedirman dengan kode VA xxxxxxxx” to the bank tellers and the nominal will appears on their screen. It could be accomplished by yourself via ATMs or internet banking. Click “Payment Guidelines” for details.
- Confirm the payment by click “Confirmation” button below, input your registered email, then click “Payment Confirmation“.
- The payment will be confirmed by the system, the UNPAID status will be changed to PAID
Check Invoice
Payment Guidelines
No | Category | Amount |
1 | International Presenter | USD 50 |
2 | International Non Presenter | USD 25 |
3 | Indonesian Presenter | IDR 300,000 |
4 | Indonesian Non Presenter | IDR 100,000 |
5 | Indonesian Student | IDR 100,000 |
*Author is charged additional fee of IDR 1,500,000 for publishing either on SCOPUS indexed proceeding or Journal of Animal Production (go to journal website)
**Six earliest International Participants Registered are eligible for FREE Registration and IOP Proceeding Fee
- The manuscript must be written in english.
- The Manuscript must be written in accordance with conference template.
- Plagiarism is prohibited.
Please download
All papers will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers, and selected papers will be submitted to a Publisher which indexed by SCOPUS.
Important notice
The 2nd Animal Science and Technology Conference (AnSTC 2) 2020 will not be postponed but will be held online instead because of several main reasons:
1. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has so far does not ease the COVID-19 disaster status and has not allowed to hold seminars involving crowd and face to face. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia still put travel restrictions both to and from abroad. This AnSTC 2 has been prepared for a long and has a significant positive impact on our institution (Jenderal Soedirman University) as the organizer.
2. We have plenty of experience in organizing various online academic activities. The infrastructure of our institution is more than ready to hold online international seminars. In addition, our Rector’s policy strongly encourages this online international activity.
The seminar will be held virtually on November 5th – 6th, 2020, and the committee is located at Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia. The platform will be operational about four days before the conference with information added continuously up to the end of the conference, while recorded material will be available to participants after the conference. Each delegate will receive information on how to reach the virtual platform as soon as it starts operation.
Plenary sessions are held at the beginning of the session, with 90 minutes including discussion sessions and guided by a moderator.
Oral presentations will be arranged in parallel sessions, which will correspond to the different tracks of the conference. The Presenters should be prepared to share the screen and advance slides (if using a slide show), observe time limit notifications and participate in a moderated discussion. Each presenter has 15 minutes for the presentation. Presenters will discuss their research during these sessions. The session chair assigned to the session will be responsible for introducing the theme(s) of the session and briefly introducing each presenter in the session. A discussion session will be conducted at the end of the session.